I offically can't fit into any of my cloths already unless they are dresses or stretchy skirts. Thank goodness I already had a bunch of work dresses. I don't look prego yet, just like I've gained a few LBs. I have purchased few items so far and will need a full new wardrobe shortly.....I will need some warm clothes to go to Mass in November. I can't wait to see my girls and my family, it will be very exciting to be with and share my happiness.
I am starting to feel better, still a bit queasy if I don't eat first thing in the morning, but much better. My energy is also coming back. I have been cleared for the gym and it feels great to sweat again!
I go for next Doc appt next week. This is to the specialist to check for Down Syndrome. Hopefully we will also get a picture of our 13 week tyke. It will be nice to bring something home with me and will be amazing to see my Lime (as the book calls her) on the monitor.