I finally broke down and stopped using the infant bather. Cody has been grown out of it for weeks now, but I wasn't ready to let it go yet. I don't know why, I was just a little nervous about him being in the big bath. We LOVE bath time. No matter if Cody is happy or cranky, bath time makes him happy, which makes me happy.
We went to
the South Florida Fair this past weekend. Cody really didn't know what to make of all the bright lights and peeps. He spent the entire time we were there moving his head from side to side trying to see everything with a blank stare. Cody overload......
I'm still treading along with my goal to get back to my pre-baby
weight. I'm down 2.5 lbs since the new year. It's slowly coming off. I've come to realize I may get down the weight I was but I don't thik i'll ever be the same size. It's ok, cause my little man is worth every inch of it!