At Logann's 9 month appointment she weighed in at 20 lbs 2 oz and 28 1/2 inches long. She was eating 3 meals day and still 4 oz bottles.
Lets see. Wow alot has happened in the last 3 months. We had to let the house we had under contract go. There were back taxes of over 8 grand and they needed to prolong the closing for up to 3 months. This was at the begining of December. By that time we had already gave our notice at our house and it had been rented to Lindsay and Bart, so we were homeless...This was a blessing in disguise... The house need so much work and I thought we may have paid too much soooooo.
Less than 1 week before (DEC 20th) Christmas we had to move in with Tim & Michelle. Our family of 4 and our 2 dogs. YIKES... It actaully wasn't as bad as it could have been. Luckily they had the room for us and took us in. AND it was a nice time for them to bond even more with the kids. Now the dog is another story. LOL
On the day we moved we actually went to look at a house. it wasn't in Boynton but was in Greenacres, A bit further than we wanted to be, but the price was right and the house was almost PERFECT.... not as big as we would have liked, but it had a yard, a pool in the neighborhood, low taxes and low HOA... Almost perfect. We loved it and put in a bid that day. No short sale, just straight sale. AND we got it...
So 7 weeks (Feb 6th) after we moved all our belongings to storage and us to the parents we moved all out belongings to our new house.... Since then we have gotten the house almost exactly how we want it and now need to move onto the landscape... For the price the house is really perfect for us. Craig has his area to do what he wants plus a 2 car garage and we have a play room for the kids. The kitchen is amazing and I love the floors. If I could just get Spartan to stop shedding my life would be great. LOL...
Logann's 1 yr check-up... 23lbs 30 1/2 inches 47cm head