Monday, November 17, 2008

15 weeks - Baby's first concert

On Sunday we went to the Coldplay concert and the Baby loved it. We were rocking out. This was probably the first concert I've been to sober to and it was still awesome. At the end, they dropped paper butterflies and we saved some for my memory book. I leave for Mass on Wednesday, I can't wait. It's been over 6 months since I've been home. It's going to be freezing, so my mom bought me a wool jacket so me and baby would be nice and warm.

All the tests came back negative for Downs Syndrome. That was great news. We go for more testing in 2 weeks and hopefully we can find out the sex. Craig has cleared out the spare room and we are awaiting to see which colors we will be going with. Pink or blue? Pink would be nice, but I am truely blessed either way.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our 13 week picture

Today was amazing, We got our real first view of our little angel. What a difference 6 weeks make. At 7 weeks, on the ultra sound, there was just a blob, now you can see the head, and nose and lips. Utterly amazing. The specialist checked the fold on the back of the babies neck to detect Down Syndrome, he said everything looked fine, but we won't know for sure until the bloodwork comes back. We go back in 4 weeks for another ultrasound, hopefully we can find out what the sex is. Yippee