Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cody ~ 46 Weeks ~ Family Times

This past weekend Craigs family from Ohio came down for a visit. Travis & Kim were the last immediate family to meet Cody. He was a bit shy at first, but shortly warmed up to them. We spent the weekend hanging out and catching up. Very relaxing.

We also took Cody to Church for the first time. We were a little weary of how he would do, but we were pleasantly surprised. He loved all the singing and our church has a full band so he constantly looking around to see what was going. It was really fun to watch. We are going to try to go at least once a month.

We have a busy weekend planned. Cody & I have Friday off and hopefully will be taking our first trip to the beach. Stay tuned for pictures and how it goes. My Mom got him a beach baby tent as an early birthday present which will hopefully keep him safe from the Florida sun and a fun, clean place to play. Saturday we are having a Birthday party for Travis and Sunday is Easter.

I really think Cody may be walking by his 1st Birthday. In the last week he has really gotten good @ creeping. It's very hard to keep him in 1 place these days, he's just all over the place. He realized he could crawl up the stairs earlier this week. Craig was right there with him. I was told it's important not to keep him away from the stairs, because he will only want to go up them more. So we have installed the gate and it will only be open when we are there with him. It's both fun to watch and exhausting and yes, I realize this is just the beginning.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Creeping Cody ~ 44 Weeks

Well Cody has mastered crawling and is now creeping and climbing. Up/down, up/down is all he wants to do these days, especially at my Mom's house where it is plushly carpeted (and safer). He is a crazy man. Every night after dinner on the floor her goes. He's content for about a half an hour playing with all his toys around him, then off he goes, usually straight for the dog bowls. After the dog bowls, off to the stairs then back to his toys. It's about the same every night.

With creeping, Cody started a bunch of new stuff in the past 10 days. He now holds his bottle all by him self. He's been holding his sippy cup for months now, but just got the hang of the big bottle. He also clapping his hands. All you have to do is start singing "if your happy and you know it" and his 2 chubby hands start clapping together. He also shakes his his no, he doesn't know what it means yet, but mimicks us and the biggest new thing Cody started doing is.............he says MAMA. At first Craig said it didn't count because he said it along with wawawa and babababa, but he banged his hand, looked straight at me and said MAMA and put his hands up. It melted my heart.

I catch myself saying and writing , It's the cutest thing all the time, but thats how I feel. Our little boy amazes me everyday. He does the cutest things and makes the funniest faces, i'm brought to tears almost everyday because the how happy this little person makes me. Being a Mommy has totally completed my life and I thank God for him everyday.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cody's 1st trip to the Zoo....

Daddy & Cody @ The Palm Beach Zoo

We took Cody for his first visit the The Palm Beach Zoo this past weekend. Friends of ours have gone many times and have raved about it, but this was our first outing. I was pleasantly surprised. It was really cute, fairly inexpensive and right around the corner. It's definetly somewhere we will go often as he grows up. Cody really enjoyed the Carousal and the Flamingo's. Other than that he really seemed un-fazed and was just happy looking around. Craig and I had a blast, the only thing the Zoo could add to make us happy is Beer carts. LOL....

With the arrival of Cody's top 4 teeth, comes the fun of trying all new foods. I am trying to give him big boy foods at night. He still recieves baby food @ Daycare, so I am getting adventurous at night. Over the weekend we tried pancakes, turkey meatloaf, french fries (just one) grilled cheeses and ice cream (thanks grandma). He loved it all.... If he's anything like his Mommy and Daddy, he will like everything....especailly ice cream!