Sunday, November 15, 2009

Cody ~ 6 months

Our little man turned 6 months yesterday. WOW....Where did the time go? Where did my baby go? Craig and I were looking through his baby pictures and we can't remember him being that small. I figured it out, between week 5-7 he went from a little tiny thing to a chubby monkey.
We had his 6 month check up on Monday and he weighed in at a whopping 19 lbs and 25 3/4 long. He is definetly bigger that he is long. I put all his 6-9 month cloths away and he is now wearing 12+ months. It makes me so sad to know that he is not my little baby anymore, he is my big boy.
He us now on stage 2 foods, which is very exciting. We are able to eat all the mixed foods now. He is so cute, everytime I feed him, he waits a second to see what new food is in his mouth then opens up for more. I really want him to eat his green veggies but he is not having it. He will not eat the peas AT ALL and isn't very keen on the green beans, but he does love the carrots, squash and sweet potatoes actually everything that is not green.
Cody cut his first tooth last Friday. We are so very excited, but also sad because this backs up that he isn't a little guy anymore. I think he has a high tolerence to pain because he wasn't even cranky until the day the tooth actaully cut. He still isn't rolling over often but can sit up for minutes at a time so I guess it will come in time and the doctor isn't worried. I guess the books are right, every baby does things on there own time table.....

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cody's First Spookytime

Well we tried the Pumpkin patch for a second time and Cody still wasn't having it. I guess some pictures are better than nothing at all, even without smiles.

Halloween was very similar to the Pumkin Patch, no smiles. We had ourselves a cranky pants dressed in a very very cute Frankenstien costume. It didn't help that trick or treating is very close to sleepy time and that it was like 80 degrees and humid as heck. We were hoping for even a little cool front but that didn't happen. Halloween this year was way more for me than it was for the little man. He was just annoyed with us, but we still had fun showing him off.

So last week he found his feet, now he has figured out how to put them in his mouth. So cute. He still isn't rolling over consistantly (think hes too chubby) but he is trying to pull himself up all the time. We think he will be sitting up before he rolls over. he also is starting to creep. I just love watching him explore new things. It's like in the last few weeks he's become so aware of his surroundings. He wants to be sitting up, watching everything. Stinks so bad that we only get a few hours(mostly cranky) a day and the weekends.

Daycare tells us he is active all day and most days he doesn't take a afternoon nap. He doesn't want to miss anything. The problem with this is, by the time he gets home, he's sleepy and cranky and doesn't want to play. Even though I wish he would sleep longer in the am (up by 6:30-7am even weekends), the mornings are the best. He is so happy and lovey dovey. I'm just amazed by him every day......