Tuesday, December 21, 2010

19 Months ~ It's almost Christmas....

What an sheer joy it is to experince the Holidays through a toddlers eyes. Last year at this time, Cody was just sitting up on his own, barely moving and not realizing really what was going on around him. This year we are watching Christmas specials, decorating the Christams tree, going to Santa's enchanted forrest (sorry no pictures, he was running around too much to take one) and wrapping presents together.

Since watching Frosty the Snowman.....everytime he sees a snowman figure, picture, lights or anything, he starts singing the song and I can't help but smile. I can't wait for Christmas morning and day to watch him open his presents. I really don't even care about myself anymore, it is all about him......

We were able to have our Holiday photo's taken this year with the pups (above). I was very happy with the way they came out and very excited to have this memory with the pups and Cody. Friends of ours found this photographer that specializes in pet and family photo's, so hopefully we will get great pictures for years to come

Cody is truely the light of my life. I wonder everyday if every mother feels this way about her child. At 19 months he is talking up a storm, mimics everything we say and do and is just a happy little boy. Of course he has his days but for the most part is a joy to have around. .

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Me, Grandpa and my Daddy

I'm a little late in posting our Thanksgiving festivities, but better late then never. LOL. We ventured up to my Dad's for the second year in a row and had a blast again. The drive wasn't too bad, made it in 6 hours and thank goodness for the portable DVD player we borrowed for Cody. He absolutly loved this thing and kept him occupied for hours at a time.

While we were there we took a drive into Beaufort, which is a beautiful old town right on the coast of SC, even though it was cloudy that day we managed a horse drawn trolly tour before the big rains came in. Cody was such a good boy. The tour guide would let him hold the bottom of the reins and he thought that was awesome. We also went into Savannah one night to see the Xmas tree lighting. We were told we were a day too early, but that was ok, we had a great time anyways and got to go to the Savannah Candy Companny, which was my favorite. We hope to go up to SC every year around the Holidays. it's fun for us and my Dad & Chris too.....