Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dom & Trish's Florida Trip

Lion Country Safari

Dom and Trish were here in Florida for the past 2 weeks or so. Cody was lucky enough to spend a lot of time with his Auntie and Uncle as they had him 3 days a week plus we spent all 3 weekends together. I had to work most of the time but was able to take 2 days off there last week here. We had lots of beach and pool time as well as our first trip to Lion Country Safari.

We started off taking an hour drive through the park to see the animals in there natural habitats. Then to the park we went. There were a lot more animals to see as well as a Ferris Wheel, Carousel and a fun little water park for Cody to run in and splash around in. After about 4 hours aut in the 90 degree sun we were all a little pooped and home we went (Cody was sound asleep within 5 minutes)

A few weeks ago Dom called me and asked if we knew any Ministers in the area becasue he wanted to surprise Trish with renewing there vows down here as it was there 10 year Anniversary (so sweet) Luckily a friend of the family is in fact is a preacher and was more than happy to help us out. We set it up @ 6pm on the beach on there actual anniversary. Trish was so surprised and touched. My Mom even made her a beautiful bouquet of her favorite flowers. It was such a nice couple of weeks and I am so happy that Cody was able to bond w/ Dom & Trish.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Cody's 1st Boat Ride/ Keys Baby II ~ 15 Months

We went on our annual lobstering trip down in the Keys with Matt, Amber and her family, and of course had a great time. Cody took his first big by boat ride on the first day of our trip. He was a little apprehensive at first but once we got going, he was happy as a clam. He would sit in the captains chair or on the front of the boat and watch his daddy, uncle and auntie catch the lobsties. After about 2 hours in the hot sun, my little monkey fell fast asleep on my arms. Overall for the entire weekend they caught over 40 lobsters... YUMMY

The second day while the boys and Amber went back out on the high seas Cody and I spent some mommy and me time back at the condo and down by the pool. The pool @ the condo is perfect for little ones. It has a walk in little end that he could sit and play with all his toys while I caught some rays. A nice weekend was had by all with some yummy dinners ahead.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

~ Summer Fun~

~I love the Slide~

~Zoom Zoom~

~Happy Monkey~

Cody is has pretty much grown out of all his baby habits except for a couple.... his blanky is the first one. He is attached to both his lovely and his blanky and can't sleep or nap without them. The nice thing is that is doesn't matter which lovely or blanky he has, he is a happy boy and it's really cute to watch him walk around with them clutched in his fists. The second is his bottle. This one worries me a bit. He has been drinking all liquid other than milk from his sippy for a while now, but when it comes to milk, he throws the cup and walks away. He is drinking milk in the cup @ school but at home will only drink a few ounces. I am trying to be strong and will only give him the bottle @ night (not ready to give that up yet), but it is hard when he cries for his Bubba....
Cody is finally cutting more teeth. He got 10 teeth well before his first birthday 6 on top and 4 on the bottom but hasn't gotten any since. I was a little worried because he got his bottom molars before the 2 on the bottom sides, but all is good now.

Grandma, Uncle Dom and Auntie Trish are coming back over the weekend and we cannot wait. I took a few days off to spend with eveybody and have some fun stuff planned. We did just fine without my Mom but I am happy that she's coming home......