Wednesday, March 20, 2013

37 Weeks

37 Weeks

No Change from last week. Lucky me hahaha. baby Logann still has her foot/heel in the right rib cage. This is turning out to be very painful. If nothing happens by next Tuesday, but Dr said she would strip my membranes which means she will sweep a finger into my cervix and detach the bags of water from my cervix. Apparently this isn't 100% but in many cases will get Labor moving. This is also very painful, but at this point I will take it. Still sleeping so that is positive :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

36 Weeks

This week I started my 1x a week Dr check ups. Great news... I am 2cm dialated and about 30% effaced. Dr. isdith said she highly doubts i will go to my due date and she wouldn't make me with all my issues. She said If I haven't gone by the 38 week check up we can talk about inducing. i know this usually means a harder labor, but I am so uncomfotable, i will take it. it hurts me to do just about anything.

At my ultrasound she said the baby was over 6.6 lbs with LOTS of hair. So funny since Cody was born with a full head of hair. I just can't wait to meet her, to see who she looks like and if she is as cute as Cody was and is. At this point I just want my water to break and get this started. Other than being in super pain all the time, I'm not swelling too bad. I still have my wedding band on and most days my feet look ok. Luckily my arms and face don't look too puffy yet either. This is a HUGE difference than with Cody. By week 34 everything was puffy....

This past weekend Sandi and Vicky were up in Orlando with the girls for a Cheerleading meet. Since I couldn't go by myself, my Mom was happy to make the drive with Cody and I. Even though i was in pain, it was a nice 3 days. i needed some girl time. Really have missed not having them here with me and Cody had a  blast with Ari and Gianna. We spent lots of time at the pool with the water slide and even made it to Downtown Disney one night. I was just what i needed.