Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cody ~ Week Two

Wow, the first 2 weeks of Cody's life has flown by. It really seems like he has been here all along. Everyday he amazes me. I can watch him all day, with all his new faces and moves. He really is a mini-me of Craig, other than his chin, he is so his daddy's son. I am a very lucky girl.

With Grandma here, we have gotten into quite a nice routine. Mommy stays up all night with Cody (he sleeps about 2 hours at a time), then Grandma takes him around 7am and I get a couple of hours of uninterupted sleep. It is fantastic.... We spend the day eating and napping and taking lots of pictures. I want to capture every face and expresson. Then Daddy gets home around 4:30 and he spends time with him in the evening. I try to take a nap around 7:30p and sleep until 9:30-10p. Then the cycle starts all over again. I wish this could go on until he sleeps through the night, but Grandma is leaving Saturday, so come Monday, it is a whole new ball game. I will keep you posted on how I am coping on my own.....

At Cody's first doctor appointment he had lost 10 ounces, so she put him on formula and wanted to see him 1 week later. At that appoinment he had gained back almost 6 ounces, so she was very happy with his progress. We go back on Monday and I am guessing he will be well over 7 lbs. He seems to be very hungry at night, so I usually give him 3 ounces instead of his normal 2. Even though he is up at least 2 -3 times at night, I really can't complain. He rarely cries and only spits up a bit after each feeding. So far he is a very good liitle boy.

As for me, I am healing fairly well. I'm still a bit sore, but other than that I feel pretty good, except for being tired. I don't go back to my doctor for another 2 1/2 weeks and hopefully after that I will be cleared to go back to the gym. I can't wait, I gained 45 lbs and have lost 20 so far. Once I've been cleared it's on, no more junk no more sweets (my downfall). I really am excited to get back into shape.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Baby Love

Cody Preston Bautz came screaming into the world @ 10:12 am on May 14, 2009. I actually did go into labor on my due date but not til around 8pm. We were checked into the hospital at 10pm and then the fun began. After about 3 hours of pretty intense contractions I was dialated enough to get the epidural and wow it really is fantastic. I won't bore you with all the details, but WOW, giving birth is quite an experience.

Let me tell you, nothing compares to the first site of your child. This little person you have been nourturing and carrying for the last 9+ months, especially when you have to go through what we did to get him. It is truely AMAZING. Thats all I have for now, I'm a little sleepy. I will be updating with more pictures and stories as I get the energy. hahahaha :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

40 Weeks ~ Still waiting

Well my due date is here and it does not look like today is the day. At my doctors appointment on Monday there wasn't much of a change. I have had some real contractions, but nothing close together. I go back tomorrow and they will do an ultrasound and an exam so hopefully there is some progress. We will then talk about inducing if nothing happens today.

My Mom got here on Thursday. It has been great to have her here. She has been helping me around the house and keeping me company. My last day of work was Monday, I was trying to work up until I went into labor, but it's just too hard and not worth it. Sandi was here this weekend w/Amaya. We were all hoping I would have Cody when she was here but I'm not the lucky. hahaha

I am truely miserable now. My back, pelvis and legs ache so bad I can hardly walk. Everytime I eat something I get horrific heartburn, thank goodness I'm not that hungry anymore, theres no room in there. Cody is still as active as ever which hurts even more since there is no room. I'm just praying that I go into labor soon, I just can't imagine having to wait 1 more to meet our son!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

39 Weeks ~ Still Kicking

My mom is flying in today, so now we can really get this show on the road. I am very excited to have her here with us. My last day of work was supposed to be tomorrow, but with only so much time off and vacation time, I don't want to waste my time now, just in case Cody is late. We have agreed with our doctor we will go 1 week before inducing. So no matter what my last day will be next friday. Thank goodness.

I have been enjoying all my favorites these past few weeks. Italian, cheeseburgers, egg mcmuffins and of course ice cream almost every night! Why not? I only have a little time left before I have to start back on the diet train and I didn't gain a pound this week, YIPPEE. I can say I do miss working out and can't wait til I get the green light to start again.

At this weeks doctor appointment I was still 1 centimeter but 70% effaced. I do feel a bit of a difference in my pelvic area, which now aches and of course Cody is still on my sciatic nerves. My book said that Cody should start slowing down with the kicks since there not a lot of room in there, but let me tell you, Cody's kicks are by far worse than they ever have been. They feel like he is kung foo fighting in my belly.

Work is truely miserable since I sit all day, which feels fine, but the minute I get up, wow the pain is almost unbearable. I have been having some contractions, but nothing together, mostly sporadic. I am just hoping that with all these little changes going on, Codyman (Craigs nickname) is going to bless us very very soon!