Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Spring in Pictures

January - South Florida Fair

At the park with my bestie
The twins Baptism
Easter Morning
Emmy and Cody with the Easter Bunny

Cody and his Aunties

Spring 2012

It seems time has gotten away from me.... This past spring was pretty quiet for us, we just really got settled into our new house and got used to living in a new area. The highlight of our Spring was defiinatly taking Cody to Disney World  for the 1st time. It was truely amazing to experience it through his eyes. I'm not a huge Disney person but this was a completely different experience with a toddler. Craigs parents just love Disney and have been begging us to take him, so before he turned 3 and wasn't free any longer we decided
to go for a long weekend in February. It was so much fun.

The Beautiful Castle.