Wednesday, December 17, 2008

19 Weeks

This week we found out I have a thyroid problem that sometimes occurs with pregnancy. My doctor doesn't seem too worried, I will have to take medication until I give birth to keep it under control. Of course this is safe for the baby.

The babies room is now completely empty. Craig is starting this weekend with the chair rails and bead board. We have found the bedding, so we now have the fun task of picking out the paint. I think we are going with a zoo theme. Neutrals with browns, tans and greens. very cute but not too over the top.

I haven't felt the baby move yet, though I'm hoping he kicks me soon. He was going crazy during our last appointment so I know it's any day now. I'm still sleeping fine, but we went Sunday to get me my body pillow. I was waking up on my back every morning and this is not good for the baby, the pillow seems to be doing the trick. My weight it right on track, hopefully all these holiday treats won't put me over the edge..... heeheehee

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Today was the day, will it be pink or blue. Well my husband got his wish and a baby boy it is. We were so overwhelmed and excited, we both cried (tears of joy of course). Now my dreams of pink butterflies and ponytails will be replaced with jungle monkeys and nike baby gear.

It was truely amazing to see our little man up on the screen. I drank some orange juice right before we went in and WOW he was active. little arms and legs moving all over the place. I can't wait to actually feel him move in my belly. My doctor said everything looks good so on to the room we go and now the fun begins........

As far as me, I'm feeling pretty good. I try to exercise at least a few days a week and eat as healthly as possible, but I must admit, baked goods are my down fall, wouldn't even dream of trying to passing them up. So far, I've been lucky enough to skip the heartburn I've herd about and I'm still sleeping quite comfortably. I know this will soon pass.