Monday, December 9, 2013

7 months - Late October

To say things are a bit hectic is an understatement. Within 4 weeks we were approved for a mortgage, put in a bid and were approved for a new home. Now we are just waiting to close, get some updates done and actually move in, All in the month of December. these pictures however are from October.

Logann & Cody dressed up as Batman and Batgirl for Halloween. They were both super cute. We went to Matt & Ambers neighborhood again and had a great time. Logann is eating like a maniac. She has loved everything I have had her try. She's now eating half baby food and half table food. Her 2 little teeth and upper gums chomp away at everything. She is also rolling everywhere. Def can't leave her anywhere she can roll off, though she has no interest in crawling, hopefully that will come soon. She is still amazing and over all Cody is doing really well in pre-k, a few yellow slips here and there but mostly green. He really is growing into a little boy :)
I love my walker

Batman Cody

Sibling Love