Monday, December 9, 2013

7 months - Late October

To say things are a bit hectic is an understatement. Within 4 weeks we were approved for a mortgage, put in a bid and were approved for a new home. Now we are just waiting to close, get some updates done and actually move in, All in the month of December. these pictures however are from October.

Logann & Cody dressed up as Batman and Batgirl for Halloween. They were both super cute. We went to Matt & Ambers neighborhood again and had a great time. Logann is eating like a maniac. She has loved everything I have had her try. She's now eating half baby food and half table food. Her 2 little teeth and upper gums chomp away at everything. She is also rolling everywhere. Def can't leave her anywhere she can roll off, though she has no interest in crawling, hopefully that will come soon. She is still amazing and over all Cody is doing really well in pre-k, a few yellow slips here and there but mostly green. He really is growing into a little boy :)
I love my walker

Batman Cody

Sibling Love

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

26 Weeks - October 2013

Now that fall is the air, we seem to being doing alot more family fun activities. Sunday of course is set aside for footbal, which is usaully spent at Craigs parents or Matt & Ambers. But Saterdyas when Daddy's not golfing we try to do something outside and fun. Even if that just means bringing Spartan to the Dog Park.

Dog Park time

Logann is coming right along. She now eats 3 meals a day and 4 7oz bottles. Usually cereal and fruit in the morning, veggie & fruit for lunch and veggie & cereal for dinner. She is so dang cute. She sees the food bowl coming and she starts bangs her hands and feet. We also started her on finger foods this week. Just melt in your nouth puffs but it's a start. She's doing real good trying to get them into her mouth. next week we will try yogurt and maybe really soft pasta.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

6 months - September 2013

At Logann's 6 month check up she weighed in at 17 lbs 11 oz and 26 1/2 inches tall. This brings her to the 80% for both height and weight. Even though Cody weighed more (19 Lbs) becasue Logann is a girl she is in a higher %.. Craig & I decided to get her ears pierced so instead of waiting til she was older to understand I just did it at this Dr appt. Also I feel better having it done at the office. Poor baby got 4 shots that day then they did her ears. But after the first couple of hours I don't think she even knows they are there and of course she looks super cute.

Add caption

Just like Cody, Logann got her first tooth poking through the week before her 6 months and just today (a week later) she has the second one coming in. She is a trooper, just a little extra cranky. Lets see how the top 2 do. We have gotten through all the stage one foods and now I have brought a few of the mixed kinds. Last week my Mom started using the baby bullet to make all of Loganns food. It's really cool. You just ahve to boil or steam everything then in it goes. Once we get through what we have froazen we will start mixing the foods. Want to try the already mixed first before we do it ourselves.

Life with Logann & Cody is never dull. Cody is just as crazy as ever but since he started K4 we see a bit of a difference. He seems to be growing up over night. He is listening better (still not great) and wants to help and do things himself. make me just a little sad that my baby really isn't anymore. AND Logann, she is just a joy. I thank god for her everyday. Even when she is cranky, it's not that bad. She's such a good little girl. Can't wait to see them grow up together along with the 2 1/2 yr old cousins.

Monday, September 16, 2013

5 months

At 19 weeks (same week as Cody) Logann rolled over for the first time. She was at my Moms house and I had just walked in and she was on the floor playing. She started to turn so i got down with her and over she went. It was so exciting. I wasn't sure how these first would effect me since i have gone thriugh it all with Cody, but let me tell you, it is just as exciting with logann as it was with Cody.

I'm 5 months old

5 Months brought a bunch of firsts and introductions to new gadgets. First we brought out the jumperoo then the walker. She loves then both, which is good for us. I know she will play for atleast 30-45 mins a pop. Also away went the bumbo and out came the high chair. We can't seem to find the tray yet from the attic, but until she starts feeding herslf we will be fine. The last gadget we introduced was the shopping cart. She's still a bit small for it, but as long as I prop something on each side she's fine and she loves to be able to look and watch everything around her

Monday, September 9, 2013

August 2013 Part 2

August also brought us some visitors. We had Logann's baptism the first weeked of August so Uncle Dom, Hannah, Auntie Lissa and Chloe came down to be part of the ceremony. Uncle Dom and Auntie Lissa are Logann's god parents. Cody and i took almost the week off and what fun we had. Other than the Baptism, we took the kids to Billie Swamp Safari, lots of trips to the pool and a couple trips to the beach. It was an awesome week of not doing much but hang out and have fun

The last week of August also brought us our long awaited family (minus Logann) trip to Mexico. The initial trip was to celebrate Sandi & Dereks 10 year vow renewal, but this also doubled as our yearly family trip and Craig & I's 40th birthday trip. It was just awesome. I really can't complain about anything. There were 28 of us in all 8 being kids so to say Cody had a blast is a complete understatement. It was really nice to get away and spend some real quality time with Craig & Cody and of course my best girls. The reseort was gorgeous, the restaurants were pretty good, and we even took a Pirate excursion. 6 days was definitely not enough, but I am grateful for the time we had...

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

August 2013 / 4 Months

First Cereal

First Peas

First Sweet Potatoes

First Carrots

First Beans

First Apples

First Peaches

At Logann's 4th check she weighed 15lbs 12.5 oz and was 25 1/2 inches tall. This is 85% for weight and 75% for length. Wow we have a big girl. Away went the 3-6 month cloths... Hello 6+ month. Also went away was anything with a waist band. Only dresses and rompers for this girl. Also at this appointment Gabriella ok'd us to start with food. We started with rice cereal for a couple weeks, only in the morning. Then we started with the veggies and then onto the fruit as seen above. Logann's first day of pea's did not go so well, she ate them but was not happy, by day 2 she gobbled them up along with everything else. So far there hasn't been a food she hasn't liked. By the end of the month she was eating cereal & fruit for breakfast and cereal and veggies for dinner. Wow my girl is growing so fast

I'm 4 months old

Friday, July 26, 2013

June/July 2013

2 Months

At Logann's 2 month appointment she weighed in @ 11 lbs 6 oz and 22in long. During this time she started to show some signs of having belly/gas issues so I switched her to the fussy belly formula. She was doing good on that for a while.  By now I could catch some smiles, just love when she smiles, her whole face lights up.This month also brought Grampa Elliot down for a visit. I was really nice to have him here again and for him to meet his first granddaughter.
When I was pregnant I was a little nervous about how Cody would react to haveing a sibling, but I couldn't be happier, he really loves her and wants to be around her all the time. Of course there will be some jealousy, but overall I'm very happy with his behavior and his love for his little sister
I was really enjoying my time home with Logann. Partly because she was/is such an easy baby, but also because I think I knew more of what I was doing.  She was still getting up once during the night but closer to 3 or 4am, so I knew she was going to sleep through the night soon. I was a very happy mommy getting 5-6 straight hours of sleep

Sibling Love

I'm 2 months old

3 Months
No check up this month, but by now we were fully in the 3-6 & 6 month cloths. Away went the 0-3 & 3 month items. I knew my girl was getting chubbier by the day.

Because I went out 2 weeks early with Logann, I had to go back to work in the middle of June vs. July like I was scheduled. I was sad, but ok with it because my Mom was going to have her full time, and since I can work 1 day from home I worked my first 2 Thursdays @ my Moms house.
This month brought Logann's first plane ride and visit to Massachusetts. I had planned on going home my last week of leave but since I had to go back early I actually went back to work for 1 week then took 1 week of vacation then went back for good. LOL

The girls

4th of July Baby!
First plane ride

By the end of July or her 3rd month she was sleeping fully through the night. At this time we would do bath around 7 then play and book then her evening 6 1/2 oz bubba and off to bed. This is pretty much our nightly routine and Logann has fallen nicely into it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

April/May 2013

2 Weeks -  At Logann's 2 week check-up she weighed 7lbs 6oz. At this point we were still on Enfimil newborn, sleeping around 5 hrs at night and doing just fine with both. We also had our newborn picture done. We got some really cute ones of Cody & Logann but by the time for Logann alone she wasn't having it.

Cody & Logann 10 days old

 4 Weeks -  At this appointment Logann weighed 9lbs 2oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. By now her belly button had fallen off and we were doing tubby time which she didn't like at first. My girl is just like her Mommy and doesn't liek to be cold. So everyday during bath I usually turn the AC off so it's not blowing when we get out. Cody also likes bath time. He usually gets in when I put Logann in then he stays in for a bit. We also had visitors during this time. Auntie Vicky came for a visit as well as Auntie Eileen with Kellen. It was the weekend of the Bark n Bowl and Cody's birthday. Cody was estatic that Kellen was here for his birthday and I was estatic that my girls were here to meet my baby girl.

Cody's bday @ Monkey Joes caption

I'm 1 month old

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Logann Marina Bautz

Logann Marina Bautz came screaming into the world @ 11:43pm on Sunday March 24th weighing 6lbs 12oz and 19 1/2 inches long.

First Photo Shoot

First Car ride

Cody & Logann's first meeting


Mommy's first picture with BOTH her babies

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

37 Weeks

37 Weeks

No Change from last week. Lucky me hahaha. baby Logann still has her foot/heel in the right rib cage. This is turning out to be very painful. If nothing happens by next Tuesday, but Dr said she would strip my membranes which means she will sweep a finger into my cervix and detach the bags of water from my cervix. Apparently this isn't 100% but in many cases will get Labor moving. This is also very painful, but at this point I will take it. Still sleeping so that is positive :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

36 Weeks

This week I started my 1x a week Dr check ups. Great news... I am 2cm dialated and about 30% effaced. Dr. isdith said she highly doubts i will go to my due date and she wouldn't make me with all my issues. She said If I haven't gone by the 38 week check up we can talk about inducing. i know this usually means a harder labor, but I am so uncomfotable, i will take it. it hurts me to do just about anything.

At my ultrasound she said the baby was over 6.6 lbs with LOTS of hair. So funny since Cody was born with a full head of hair. I just can't wait to meet her, to see who she looks like and if she is as cute as Cody was and is. At this point I just want my water to break and get this started. Other than being in super pain all the time, I'm not swelling too bad. I still have my wedding band on and most days my feet look ok. Luckily my arms and face don't look too puffy yet either. This is a HUGE difference than with Cody. By week 34 everything was puffy....

This past weekend Sandi and Vicky were up in Orlando with the girls for a Cheerleading meet. Since I couldn't go by myself, my Mom was happy to make the drive with Cody and I. Even though i was in pain, it was a nice 3 days. i needed some girl time. Really have missed not having them here with me and Cody had a  blast with Ari and Gianna. We spent lots of time at the pool with the water slide and even made it to Downtown Disney one night. I was just what i needed.

Friday, February 22, 2013

34 Weeks

Looks like I've made it to 34 weeks. Only 6 to go.... yippee. Not much has changed with me. I am still on modified bedrest, but as long as I don't do too much I can manage the contractions and pain. Some days are worse than others of course, but at least there is an end in site. I have really started to slow down at night, I am just plan exhausted by 6pm. The heartburn has really started to kick up and my feet are swelling, just a little. I am lucky enough to put them up all day, so hopefully I can manage this too... I am still wearing my wedding rings and thank goodness still sleeping fairly well.

This past weekend we took Cody to Disney. We wanted to do something special before the baby came. I of course wasn't able to actually go to the park, but Cody and Craig took full advantage and hit the park for 3 days straight. Thankfully daddy took lots of pictures so i didn't miss anything. We even found one of the onsite hotels that had pirate themed rooms and a great pirate pool. Cody was in heaven.  I was able to rest a bit at the hotle and even got some sun at the pool. It was a nice family weekend even though I wasn't able to enjoy the park.

We are pretty much ready for Logann to make her appearence. of course we want her to wait til at least 37 weeks but for the most part we have everything. Her nursey is almost decorated and  of course we have the crib and furniture set up. We still have all the needed gear from Cody, just need to grab a few things that have been loaned out. I am planning on getting our bags ready in the next week or so and of course her wardrobe is coming along nicely... I really can't wait to meet her, to see her and hold her :)

32 Weeks

34 Weeks