Wednesday, May 13, 2009

40 Weeks ~ Still waiting

Well my due date is here and it does not look like today is the day. At my doctors appointment on Monday there wasn't much of a change. I have had some real contractions, but nothing close together. I go back tomorrow and they will do an ultrasound and an exam so hopefully there is some progress. We will then talk about inducing if nothing happens today.

My Mom got here on Thursday. It has been great to have her here. She has been helping me around the house and keeping me company. My last day of work was Monday, I was trying to work up until I went into labor, but it's just too hard and not worth it. Sandi was here this weekend w/Amaya. We were all hoping I would have Cody when she was here but I'm not the lucky. hahaha

I am truely miserable now. My back, pelvis and legs ache so bad I can hardly walk. Everytime I eat something I get horrific heartburn, thank goodness I'm not that hungry anymore, theres no room in there. Cody is still as active as ever which hurts even more since there is no room. I'm just praying that I go into labor soon, I just can't imagine having to wait 1 more to meet our son!

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