Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cody"s Crawling - Almost 9 months....

What an exciting week we are having. I worked from my Mom's house on Tuesday and all of a sudden I looked up and Cody was up on all fours crawling backwards. It was so awesome. I feel so blessed that I was there to experience it. I even got a video of it to show Daddy (and the anybody else who wants to see). He has been trying now for a couple of weeks, so we knew it would be any day....

Now last week I could have done without. Cody woke up late last Sunday night crying which is very unlike him. He had a slight fever so i decided to keep him home from daycare (off to grandma's) by Tuesday it was over 101 so to the doctor we went. He has had a slight cough ever since he had the Croop but the doctor said not to worry about it until he had a fever. Well it finally went back into his lungs. I think this was the sickest he's been, or at least the craniest. Man sick babies are no fun. He would try to laugh but would just end up crying, It was sad and frustrating and draining. Thank goodness but Saturday he was starting to feel better and Monday morning he woke up and I could tell i had my happy baby back. What a relief......

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