Tuesday, April 21, 2009

37 Weeks and counting

The count down has begun. 3 weeks(hopefully) and counting. At
my doctors appointment today I was 1 centimeter dialated and 50% afaced. Its not much but it lets us know that he is getting ready to come into the world. Unfortunetly with him moving down he has settled on some nerves somewhere and I can hardly walk. I have shooting pains through my pelvis, up and down both legs and in my lower back. UGH. Hopefully as he moves this will subside.

Cody's room is completely done and I am so excited. I love it. We had a little set back with the chair I ordered. I was the wrong color, material and very unfortable, luckily we were able to return it (minus the shipping fee) and I found a perfect one at City furniture. It has been delivered and looks fantastic in his room!

We have our last Lamaze class tomorrow. I have our bags ready and think we are as ready as we can be. I'm still not nervous. Apprehensive maybe. Whatever is going to happen is out of our control. As long as we are informed and know what to expect we will be fine. I told my mom today to have her bags packed just in case she needs to get here early. I have my shower this Saturday down here. I haven't been told anything except the date. I'm very excited to see everybody and spend some quality time with our friends, hopefully my body will cooperate. Please pray for me that our little man moves a bit so his mommy feels better :)

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