Friday, June 5, 2009

Family Time ~ Week 3

Last week was full of visits and fun time. My Mom was here until last Saturday, My Dad and Chris came on Wednesday until Thursday and Melissa came in on Thursday night and stayed until Sunday. Wow, it was wonderful. Everybody met our little guy.

Thank goodness for my Mom and Melissa. My mom would take Cody every morning for a couple of hours so I could sleep and Melissa took him Friday night and I actually slept 9 hours and with my husband. It was heaven.

Starting Monday it was just Cody and me and thats ok. I've been doing fairly well. We have sort of, gotten into a schedule (thanks to Melissa). Cody has been sleeping anywhere from 2.5 hours to 4.5 hours at night and and 2-3 hours during the day. Depending when he wakes up in the am, we usually go back to sleep until 8 or 9am. We get up and take a bath/change, eat and play time. A few days we've gone on little trips to Target and back to the same schedule, eat, change and playtime. This has been working out well so far. I know, he is only 3 weeks old so this will change a million times, but for now it is working....

At Cody's check-up this week, he gained 10 ounces. After his first check-up he was down to 6lbs, then 6.5 lbs, now he is 7.3 lbs and 20 1/2 inches. He is becoming a big boy. He is finally fitting into some of the newborn outfits. I can't wait to see how much he gains in 2 weeks, because let me tell you, he eats like a piggy, but whatever the little prince wants he is getting. :)

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