Saturday, July 25, 2009

Chunky Monkey ~ 9 Weeks

Im very happy to report that the 4th formula is the one. Cody is still a bit cranky but nowhere near how he was before. He has no problem passing toots and going #2 now. We are very happy parents here at the Bautz house.

We (I) have figured out what makes my son happy and content..... musical mobiles. Unfortunetly we didn't have any of those in our house(our swing and crandle didn't have one) , but luckily our good friends the Pikes did. Eileen is a life saver, she let us borrow her bassinet and swing, both with musical mobiles. My life has changed. I can now put him in the bassinet, take a shower and actually blow dry my hair, same with the swing (he is sleeping in it right now). Life is good!

At Cody's 2 month wellness visit he weighed 12lbs and 23 1/2 in. We thought he would weigh more, I think he looks so big because he was little when he was born. He had his vaccinations at this visit. It was plain awful. My poor little guy cried harder than I had ever herd, It was just heartbreaking. Vaccinations make me very nervous, but I knw they are necessary espeically since we are getting on our first plane trip to Massachusetts this week. I can't wait for everybody to me our chunky monkey. It should be a very special trip. I can finally have baby playdates with all my friends.

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