Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cody ~ 7 Weeks

In the past few weeks Cody has turned
into a cranky pants. We realized he may be a bit colicky, is having trouble passing gas and he no longer sleeps well at night. He now sleeps 1 1/2 hours to 3 hours at a time. Needless to say I am absolutely exhausted. I used to need at least 8 hours of sleep each night to function well, now I am lucky to get 4-5. We changed his formula to a gas/fussy version just this week. They say it takes 5-7 days to see a change, so keep your fingers crossed that this does the trick.

During our visit to the doctor Cody weighed in at 11 lbs 3.5 ounces. Thats 2lbs 3oz in 2 weeks. Cody is quite a chunky monkey these days. My monkey now has a double chin and rolls on his arms and legs, which is wicked cute. He is starting to smile at us often and is getting some of his motor skills. My book says this is right on track for 6-7 weeks.

As for me, other than being exhausted and cranky, I'm good. I'm back to the gym (when i have the energy) and have been eating right, that is when I have time to eat. 26 lbs down, 20 to go. Craig has been great. I try not to get him up during the week since he is working unless it's real bad, but come the weekends, we split Cody duty. I usually hand him over around 6am and go back to bed for a few hours. It's fantastic.

Please keep your fingers crossed that the new formula is the one and I will try to update the blog more often:)

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