Thursday, July 15, 2010

Codyman ~ 14 Months

Life has been a little crazy in the Bautz house. About 3 weeks ago I got a call from Mom and she had fallen in the parking lot of the grocery store. Luckily Cody was still in the car and had not fallen with her. From there all heck broke loose. Craig ran to get the baby while I met my Mom and the ambulance @ the hospital. While I was waiting with her to get her x-ray done, Craig called and said the baby was burning up. I left my Mom (thankfully nothing was broken) and met Craig @ the Dr. He had 105.5 temp. We stayed @ the Dr's office for over 2 hours until they got his fever to break. They weren't sure what it was probably just a virus but all we could do is keep him hydrated and treat his fever.

The next 2 days were pure hell. He wasn't sleeping at night and would nap on and off all day. On the third day he woke up from his nap with yellow goo coming out of his eye. Back to the Dr we went. He now had an ear infection on top of the virus. My poor baby. It was truely heartbreaking watching him go through this. Thankfully by the next morning his fever had broken, but he now had a rash over his entire body. I called the Dr. back and they diagnosed his virus was something called Roesella (I verified this on line of course). A high fever for 3-5 days followed by a rash. It was a complete week of sleepness nights and careful watching.

I am happy to report our monkey is back and crazy as ever. He is into everything, I mean everything. One minute the house is neat and the next is complete mayham, The joys of a toddler....

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