Tuesday, December 18, 2012

24 Weeks - December 2012

Our house has been a little chaotic lately... Fast growing, eating chewing, niping puppy (already 24 lbs) Crazy toddler, Christams prep and then add almost 25 weeks pregnant, but I wouldn't change anything for the world. Cody is in the full swing of the Christams season. He just loves everything about... the lights, the blow ups (his favorite) the characters and most of all the fun cartoon specials. He just can't get enough of watching Frosty and Rudolph...

Cody has been lucky enough to see 2x so far this Christams season. He's is definitely growing up. Both times he waited patiently in line until it was his turn. Lucky for us the lines haven't been to too lng. We first saw Santa at the Sand Tree Lighting (only in S. Florida) then we went Christams @ Yesteryear Village and saw him again. I just love watching the sparkle he has in his eyes. So magincal

K3 is the first year Cody is able to participate in his school's Christams pagaent. My Mom and I went and it brought tears to my eyes. Each class gets to sing and act 3 songs. Cody was right up front and did such a good job, then they bring the entire school out for a finally together. Just love watching him grow and learn
Cody's Christams Paegent

24 weeks
As for me... This pregnancy is really different then with Cody. Everything seems to be starting much earlier. Seems that baby girl has already settled on my sciatic nerves. Some days are worse than others but bad enough that I have to go to the Chirpractor 1x a week. Cody didn't effect me til well into 32+ weeks. Also the heartburn has started, not too bad but it is there. I'll take everything she gives me because it is such a blessing, but it still stinks while I'm going through it. It's going to be a long 15 weeks :) Oh... and i'm much bigger

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